About Allahabad Bank Vijay Nagar Branch
Allahabad Bank IFSC code is ALLA0213341 and MICR code: 480010015
Allahabad Bank address Sri Prateek Pateria & Sri Rishi Pateria,rameshwaram Colony,mr4,main Road,shambhoo Shree Apartment,infront Ofshankara Energies Petrol Pump,vijay Nagar,jabalpur Distt. (m.p)- 482004
Branch code is 213341, and Bank Code ALLA
Contact Number: 2147483647,
Allahabad Bank Vijay Nagar
Timings: Monday to Friday: 10 AM to 4 PM (Holiday 2nd and 4th Saturday and Sunday).
What is the IFSC code of Allahabad Bank Vijay Nagar?
Allahabad Bank IFSC Code is ALLA0213341
What is the address of the Allahabad Bank Vijay Nagar Branch?
Allahabad Bank Vijay Nagar address is Sri Prateek Pateria & Sri Rishi Pateria,rameshwaram Colony,mr4,main Road,shambhoo Shree Apartment,infront Ofshankara Energies Petrol Pump,vijay Nagar,jabalpur Distt. (m.p)- 482004
- State: Madhya Pradesh
- District: Jabalpur
- Branch: Vijay Nagar
What is the address of ALLA0213341?
ALLA0213341 is Allahabad Bank IFSC Code. And ALLA0213341 IFSC Code Address is Sri Prateek Pateria & Sri Rishi Pateria,rameshwaram Colony,mr4,main Road,shambhoo Shree Apartment,infront Ofshankara Energies Petrol Pump,vijay Nagar,jabalpur Distt. (m.p)- 482004
Allahabad Bank Vijay Nagar official Website
Allahabad Bank Vijay Nagar Official Website is www.indianbank.in
Allahabad Bank Vijay Nagar Contact Number is Not Available (Make sure it is correct on the official website.)
What is the Branch Code Of Allahabad Bank Vijay Nagar Branch
Allahabad Bank Vijay Nagar Branch Code is 213341
Google Map Location of Allahabad Bank Vijay Nagar Branch