About Central Bank of India Malamirza Tukra j P University Chapra Branch
Central Bank of India IFSC code is CBIN0283917 and MICR code: MICR not provided.
Central Bank of India address Jai Prakash Vishwavidyalya Branch,rahul Sankrityayan Nagar, Chapra, Dist-chapra ( Saran ), Bihar-841301
Branch code is 283917, and Bank Code CBIN
Contact Number: 22612008,
Central Bank of India Malamirza Tukra j P University Chapra
Timings: Monday to Friday: 10 AM to 4 PM (Holiday 2nd and 4th Saturday and Sunday).
What is the IFSC code of Central Bank of India Malamirza Tukra j P University Chapra?
Central Bank of India IFSC Code is CBIN0283917
What is the address of the Central Bank of India Malamirza Tukra j P University Chapra Branch?
Central Bank of India Malamirza Tukra j P University Chapra address is Jai Prakash Vishwavidyalya Branch,rahul Sankrityayan Nagar, Chapra, Dist-chapra ( Saran ), Bihar-841301
- State: Bihar
- District: Saran
- City: CHAPRA
- Branch: Malamirza Tukra j P University Chapra
What is the address of CBIN0283917?
CBIN0283917 is Central Bank of India IFSC Code. And CBIN0283917 IFSC Code Address is Jai Prakash Vishwavidyalya Branch,rahul Sankrityayan Nagar, Chapra, Dist-chapra ( Saran ), Bihar-841301
Central Bank of India Malamirza Tukra j P University Chapra official Website
Central Bank of India Malamirza Tukra j P University Chapra Official Website is www.centralbankofindia.co.in
Central Bank of India Malamirza Tukra j P University Chapra Contact Number is 1800 22 1911 (Make sure it is correct on the official website.)
What is the Branch Code Of Central Bank Of India Malamirza Tukra (j P University Chapra Branch
Central Bank Of India Malamirza Tukra (j P University Chapra Branch Code is 283917
Google Map Location of Central Bank of India Malamirza Tukra (j P University Chapra Branch